Vanessa Vieira
Artist & Illustrator
My Story
Vanessa Vieira is a Brazilian artist who earned a Bachelor's degree in Arts, where she gained exposure to various techniques and mediums, such as oil, acrylic, watercolor, and digital painting. She also experimented with different media like photography, paper, and canvas, which allowed her to produce unique and visually striking works of art. Her artworks predominantly revolve around themes of women empowerment and social issues that reflect the reality of our society.
Vanessa's interest in painting began at a young age, where she was often found doodling and sketching, demonstrating her natural talent for the arts. Her passion for painting women and exploring the theme of women's empowerment arose from growing up in a patriarchal society, where women's voices were typically silenced or overlooked. She draws inspiration from her childhood memories, particularly her admiration for her grandmother and other strong black women who fought for respect and recognition in their culture in Salvador, Bahia. Vanessa also finds inspiration from Frida Kahlo's life and work, as well as from the stories of many other women who have triumphed over significant challenges.
Vanessa currently resides in New York and continues to create artwork that celebrates the strength and resilience of women. Her colorful and magical portraits are a testament to the power of creativity and the human spirit. Through her art, she aspires to create a better world for all, one that values diversity, equality, and justice.